I was planning to close the poll tomorrow, but as it is clear that Friday
this week (27th Dec) is the best date for everyone I thought I'd close it
now to enable planning for the day.

I will update the wiki in detail this evening, but I have reserved a table
at The Horseshoes for 12:30 on Friday. If anyone else fancies joining us on
the day, you are more than welcome. The area is not well-served by public
transport at the best of times, so if someone fancies coming along but does
not use a car, do get in touch, one of us may be able to arrange a pick-up
somewhere more convenient for you. For drivers from most directions the
best way is to turn off the A52 either just before Kirk Langley or at Kirk
Langley and then follow Long Lane to the village of the same name. Long
Lane follows the course of the former Roman Road between Rocester & Little
Chester. From the A50, the junction at Hilton provides access to the area.

I hope I'll have time to prepare more detailed missing maps paths, but
MapthePaths is a good start

Now that a date is fixed, I think it's reasonable to start adding detail
from aerial imagery. One thing we can do is have a good look at the various
types of farmland and do some of the sub-tagging recently discussed.


On Wed, 18 Dec 2019 at 12:55, SK53 <sk53....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Provisional details for a planned mapping event around the new year are
> now on the wiki:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nottingham/Mapping_Meetup/New_Year_2020
> .
> There's masses to be done in the area just to the West of where we visited
> last year. Similar type of terrain. Once a date is firmed up then there's
> ample scope for some arm-chair mapping which can be refined by the ground
> survey.
> A Doodle poll to select a date most convenient for as many as possible
> (unfortunately New Year Plant Hunt dates rule out 1st-4th Jan for me):
> https://doodle.com/poll/2edmmyvi9yeeip3q
> I'm anticipating the 11th or 18th Jan are likely to be most convenient.
> Hope people might be able to make it,
> Best wishes,
> Jerry
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