On 29/12/2019 16:43, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

OS have digitised all paths in National Parks and appear to be gradually digitising
others. But certainly they haven't done the full set of PROWs yet.

Interestingly, just up the road from my previous example is https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/759440934 .  That's clearly signed as a public footpath, it's well within the national park (see https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/759440934#map=15/54.4519/-1.0957 ), but it's not shown at https://osmaps.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/54.44738,-1.08281,18 .  Maybe they've only  done the national parks that London-based journos are likely to visit? :)

Looking elsewhere in a couple of areas I'm familiar with, as well as missing data, there are plenty of of basic digitisation errors around, e.g. gardens seeming to be significantly larger then they should be.  This is, I guess, only the free version - maybe there's a parallel complete version for paying customers?  (a bit like the story repeated about the Soviet Union during the Cold War - "they may only be shipping Ladas over here, but their military technology is equivalent to ours").  To check this I did try registering for a free trial to view "National Park Pathways", but got the message "We're sorry, we're experiencing some technical difficulties at the moment. The OS Maps team are working hard to fix the issue".

Best Regards,


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