On 18/12/2020 08:39, Edward Bainton wrote:
Morning all

My local civic society is collecting the location of 'stink pipes', Victorian sewer ventilation shafts in cast iron. Pics here: https://twitter.com/TobyWoody/status/1339679166371926017/photo/1 <https://twitter.com/TobyWoody/status/1339679166371926017/photo/1>

I've suggested they use OpenStreetMap and suggested a node with tag historic=ventilation_shaft. Does that seem the right tag?

That isn't a tag that anyone else has used - https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/11jU finds only the one that you've added recently.  Having said that, when I looked at "historic" usage in the UK I didn't see anything that looked a better option.

When I looked at vent shaft mapping in the UK a while back I came up with this list:


These are physically very different features (though sharing some of the same function) as your stink pipes.  If you're going to use "ventilation_shaft" I'd definitely also add "ventilation_shaft=stink_pipe" or similar to make it clear that you're talking about:




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