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-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Slater <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 11:34:21 
To: <>; Talk Openstreetmap<>; 
OSM Dev List<>
Subject: [Announce] NOTICE: Upcoming Maintenance / Downtime

On Wednesday 27th of November 2013 between 17:30 and 22:00 (GMT / UTC)
the primary database server will be unavailable due to maintenance.

I apologise for the short notice.

The following services WILL be affected:
* web site WILL NOT allow edits (iD or Potlatch). [1]
* API will NOT allow map editing (using iD, JOSM, Merkaartor etc.),
but will remain available as read-only. [2]

Other OpenStreetMap provided services should not be affected - all of
the following are expected to function normally:
* Forum
* trac (bug-tracker)
* tile serving ("View The Map" & "Export")
* Wiki
* Nominatim (search)
* mailing lists
* subversion and git (source code repositories)

Technical: Database servers ramoth & katla hardware maintenance.
Upgrade of web frontends spike-01, spike-02 & spike-03 with HP DL360
G6 (Xeon 56xx) hardware.

1: Maps will still be viewable on the homepage and
on other people's websites.
2: The sysadmin team will try as far as possible to keep the API
available in read-only mode, but the API may be briefly unavailable.

  Grant Slater
  On behalf of the OpenStreetMap sysadmin team.

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