I am using the data as part of a prehistoric stone tool raw material
reference collection collected as part of a raw material provenancing
(sourcing) project
I am setting up an online database to go along with the physical reference
collection of geological samples and the archaeological samples. I had been
using, on my desktop, the OS townlands and counties, but I'm very grateful
to be able to now use Open Data for it! So, thanks all for the mapping (I
did a tiny bit of of the townlands but ran out of time....).

The details about what the columns mean should be on the page itself, under
- Thanks, I downloaded from here but
never scrolled down the page....!

I'm always open to hearing suggesting for improvements to or the data
download format.
- I downloaded the townlands data and imported into my PostgreSQL database,
and I am using a PHP generator to construct the online database. When doing
this, I originally decided to use as a pk the osm_id; the import to
PostgreSQL (using DB Manager in QGIS) has the osm_id as a double precision
with negative numbers (I see that on the metadata page it says it is
integer). While PostgreSQL was happy with this and there were no problems
with the osm_id, when using the PHP generator, it didn't like the double
precision, so I switched it to integer with negatives as is - this kind of
worked in that I could query it and it would give me the correct result
(the right townland) but it was displayed as '0.0000' instead of the text
(when using a display name instead of the id). It appears that the PHP
generator does not like negative numbers in the pk / fk: I added my own
integer (serial) pk, and it works fine. So, roundabout way of saying the
format is fine, except that for some reason the importing of the osm_id was
not read as integer - this hasn't happened before, so not sure if it is the
townland shapefile or not; and for some reason PHP doesn't like negatives
(I don't know much about PHP, hence I'm using a generator). If anyone could
explain that behaviour, I'd be happy to know about it.

Killian DriscoIl
IRC Postdoctoral Fellow
UCD School of Archaeology
University College Dublin <>

On 21 February 2016 at 13:18, Rory McCann <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello Killian,
> I wrote and maintain The details about what the columns
> mean should be on the page itself, under "Attributes". If you can
> ignore the "\n" that are appearing due to a translations related bug.
> If you'd like any further clarification, just let me know. If you're
> curious of the SQL behind it, you can find that here[1].
> I'm quite interested to know what people are using that data for.
> Could you tell us a little about what you're doing with it? (Or email
> me in private, off-list, if you'd like). I'm always open to hearing
> suggesting for improvements to or the data download format.
> [1]:
> - --
> Rory
> On 20/02/16 18:34, Killian Driscoll wrote:
> > I am using a copy of the townlands and counties layers downloaded
> > from in a database, and I
> > need a list of the metadata for the layers' columns, (i.e. the
> > metadata meaning an explanation of each column heading). Where can
> > I find that?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Killian DriscoIl IRC Postdoctoral Fellow UCD School of Archaeology
> > University College Dublin
> >
> >
> > <>
> >
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