On 23 June 2017 10:18:03 BST, Rory McCann <r...@technomancy.org> wrote:
>Another idea: Rather that hashing out what's a pub and what's a bar,
>not use additional tags to narrow it down? There are suggestions for
>real_ale=yes/no, food=yes/no, microbrewrey=yes/no various ways to say
>"they sell this type of draught beer", real_fire=yes/no.
>If I see something tagged amenity=bar, real_fire=yes, food=no,
>drink:beer:Guinness=draught drink:cider:Bulmers=draught tv=no
>cocktails=no, then I know exactly what sort of place to expect!

Rory, I would tend to go with the customers v regulars approach. A pub is a 
part of a community and attracts loyalty. 

I'm not sure loud music can be used as a comparison, my local certainly has 
loud music on I open mic night or when there is a singer on. 

Phil, (trigpoint) 
>On 23/06/17 09:55, Alan Grant wrote:
>> Thanks all for the replies. I am inclined to agree with Rory, there
>> to be little point in worrying too much about establishments that do
>> fall clearly into one or the other category. Either way the user of
>the map
>> will know that they are places that serve alcohol; beyond that there
>is a
>> wide range of individual characteristics (loud music or not? loud
>music at
>> certain time of the week? live or recorded music? proper food served
>from a
>> kitchen? emphasis on beer or wine or cocktails? open after midnight?
>> children allowed? dress code?) that can never be fully captured by a
>> bar/pub split.
>> On 22 June 2017 at 17:22, Rory McCann <r...@technomancy.org> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> For the differentiating rule is based on the osm-carto style choice.
>>> the normal drink there a pint? Then it's a pub. Is it a cocktail?
>Then it's
>>> a bar.
>>> Though it's not too important. In Hiberno-English the terms are used
>>> interchangibly. Perhaps in the UK with their brewery pubs and free
>>> it's different. The vast majority of the instances in Ireland are
>pubs, not
>>> bars (we love our pints).
>>> I don't think there's a clear, defined difference between bar & pub.
>>> are edge cases in Ireland (and I think UK). So maybe tell the
>>> community that.
>>> Like many things in OSM, there are many right answers. :) We'll
>never get
>>> anything 100%.
>>> Rory
>>> On 22/06/17 14:50, Alan Grant wrote:
>>>> Let me start by introducing myself as I have not posted on talk-ie
>>>> I am Irish but live abroad and generally follow the Spanish
>>>> mailing list.
>>>> There is a rather intense debate taking place at the moment on
>talk-es (31
>>>> posts and still going) about whether a typical Spanish
>neighbourhood bar
>>>> should be tagged as amenity=bar, pub, or cafe. Some participants
>seem to
>>>> assume that the bar-pub distinction is clearly defined in English
>>>> specifically in the English OSM wiki) and that the issue is how to
>>>> that
>>>> distinction to Spain.
>>>> I am posting here because I wondered about whether Irish mappers do
>>>> fact
>>>> think this distinction is well-defined and useful. It seems to me
>that in
>>>> Ireland at least we often use "pub" and "bar" almost
>interchangeably -
>>>> hence pub names such as "The Harbour Bar". Looking at the wiki some
>of the
>>>> criteria seem rather vague or of doubtful relevance - should it
>matter to
>>>> the definition of an amenity if the building that houses it happens
>to be
>>>> modern or purpose-built? What about the suggestion that food is
>>>> available in pubs - I seem to remember that when I was young many
>>>> served little more in the way of food than packets of crisps, does
>>>> mean they were then bars but have become pubs as they diversified
>>>> serving food to the lunchtime crowd?
>>>>   From taginfo the pub tag vastly outnumbers the bar tag in
>>>> Looking
>>>> at places tagged as bar, many of them do not seem much different to
>>>> neighbours tagged as pubs as far as I can see.
>>>> I suppose I am really asking out of curiosity rather than with any
>>>> definite
>>>> aim, but any thoughts would be welcome.
>>>> Alan
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