Am 14.08.2017 um 17:48 schrieb Ciarán Staunton:

> ...
> I think Martín's comment is a good concern to have. However, I believe that
> OSMF wants local chapters formally set up, composed of responsible groups
> in each country to make accountable decisions about how the maps of each
> country evolve, 

I don't believe the OSMF has ever said, or even remotely indicated,
anything along such lines (and any implementation of such a policy is
likely to run in to strong resistance by contributors all over OSM), a
better way to is to think of local chapters as service and support
organisations for the national mapping community which fits in nicely
with the rest of your points which are completely OK.

While I'm commenting on this thread: I suspect that any hopes of
directly increasing contributor numbers by having a formal org are going
to be disappointed (similar ideas have been aired by the UK chapter). It
would be nice if I was proved wrong, but I don't believe that active
recruitment really works (fsov of works).


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