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From: Graham Jones <grahamjones...@gmail.com>

Hi All,
I am pleased to announce that OSM has been accepted to participate in
this year's Google Summer of Code programme

Thanks to all of you who have contributed to our ideas page
(http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GSoC_Project_Ideas_2012), which
supported the application.

Over the next few weeks we can expect potential students to review the
ideas page and contact us to seek clarification on ideas or guidance
on how to develop them.
Ian Dees has set a good example in responding to such requests
positively, and with a steer that a good start is to learn a bit about

I would be grateful if you would again review the ideas list and
provide any clarifications that may help students in producing a
project proposal from them.
I would also like to hear from anyone that would be prepared to act as
a mentor on this year's programme.

I will do a bit more work on a wiki page that I have started on the
process I propose to follow for this year's GSoC
and send another update email so you know what we will be doing.

Thanks again for your support.



Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.

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