The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #295, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - Our thoughts and sympathy are with the families and friends of the
   victims of the Berlin attack. SotM organizing committee is safe. SotM will
   happen as planned and are monitoring the situation closely. Safety of
   attendees is paramount!
   - Interested in making a multilingual map? Look in for more
   - Need a location-based assistant, who will help you find places near
   you? Then 'gisela' is the tool you are looking for...
   - Read about how the cartographers at Mapbox still gets inspired by
   printed paper maps...
   - Want to know how isochrone maps helps in understanding the
   similarities and differences in road design and their effects on travel for
   different cities of the world.


Jinal Foflia <>
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