Dear community,
the OpenGISData project have proposed the import of the buildings from the database of the Province of Bolzano.

My idea is to perform a spatial analysis to identify the buildings that already exists in OpenStreetMap, and import only the missing buildings. To complete the import, my idea is to make available a file for each community, containing the buildings to upgrade, as was done with the house numbers.

The tags for the buildings will be:

*buliding* = yes

we have the information of the use of the buildings
building =
residential, commercial, industrial, public (amenityschool, university, church, hospital,train_station, cathedral, police)ecc.

We need to have your confirm, the project should start as soon as possible, the OpenGISData want to close this project within a maximum of one month.

A bit of digits:
Actual OpenStreetMap buildings: 93.792
Actual Province od Bolzano buildings: 218.077

*Dott. Pietro d'Orio*
GIS Analyst & trainer

*R3 GIS* Srl - GmbH

I-39012 Merano/Meran (BZ) - Via Johann Kravogl-Str. 2
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