2010/12/2 Niccolo Rigacci <o...@rigacci.org>:
> On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 05:39:50PM +0100, iiizio iiizio wrote:
>> Non mi sembra la stessa cosa:
>> You have also declared that you consider your edits to be in the Public 
>> Domain.
> Chi dichiara di fare le cose in public domain deve verificare di
> non violare il copyright di altri, quindi deve selezionare le
> proprie fonti compatibili con il PD.
> La dichiarazione PD dell'utente ha comunque poche possibilità di
> tradursi in qualcosa di utile per OpenStreetMap, visto
> l'intreccio inestricabile con il lavoro fatto dalla gran massa
> degli utenti, che usa (per scelta propria o altrui :-) una
> licenza diversa.

Vista cosi sarebbe da chiedersi perché OSM ha messo questa opzione che
porta solo svantaggi a OSM stesso.

Leggendo qui [1] le cose stanno diversamente (tradotto dal tedesco,
evito la doppia traduzione):
If you explain that you your posts in the public domain (Public
Domain) viewing, which is only a statement of intent. You change the
fact not the license, and it has no influence on what your users can
do with data. The database right has priority over the protection of
individual data elements. Users must abide by the ODbL if they want to
use OSM, even those collected most of the contributions of
participants who consider their data as public domain. However, such
statements will have a major impact. As participants for the option to
decide many public domain, will have an impact on how the opinion on
the subject of license for OSM developed the future. Nothing is
absolute, the ODbL can either be strictly enforced or handled lax. If
you clicked the Select Domain Public, you give it were known: All
right, folks, takes ODbL-thing by it if you must, but do not overdo
it. I look at my posts in the public domain and would prefer to deal
with maps as to what is now allowed and what is not.

A questo punto è sbagliato il wiki o la frase in My settings e quella
del checkbox (In addition to the above agreement, I consider my
contributions to be in the Public Domain)



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