Il 23/mar/2015 23:35 "SomeoneElse" <> ha scritto:
> On 23/03/2015 21:46, Luca Delucchi wrote:

> At the very least, an edit that deleted 683 relations should have been
discussed with the community first, if for no other reason because it was
rude not to do so.  I've added another comment to the discussion

Yes sure,

> trying to get that across.  If (after checking with people on the ground
locally) the Italian OSM community wants to see this changeset reverted and
someone from within the community is happy to do that then please go
ahead.  If you'd like help with the revert, then please ask and I'm sure
that we'll be able to sort something out.

I would like to know the opinions from so sicilian guys...

> Best Regards,
> Andy Townsend (SomeoneElse), on behalf of the OSM Data Working Group

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