Interessante la discussione in lista import circa il caso AI Facebook.
Interessante anche l'intervento di Kevin Bullock di DG:

I'm happy to report we are making progress towards an exciting option
that would allow DG to publish an imagery layer directly for
OpenStreetMap editing. This is being funded by a group of
organizations, and would make the +Vivid imagery layer available for
registered OSM editors (the source for Facebook). I am hoping this
will resolve many of the concerns for validation. The timeframe for
this is likely 4-8 weeks. It will likely warrant a new thread/forum
somewhere instead of being embedded in the Thailand thread and this

Credo che per ora sarà limitato alle aree della Tailandia coinvolte,
ma visto l'interesse di Facebook ad espandere l'attività, in futuro
pensate che potrebbe coprire l'intero globo?
Sarebbe ottimo avere un nuovo foto-layer per OSM.

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