
Please let me confirm one point.

Is it mandatory to using dedicated account to import?
We devided the import works, and did from our personal account.
Apologies for my lack of understanding.

MLIT seems old data, and newly converted, from my view.
(old converted data is "natural=wood", but newly one is "landuse=forest")

Documentation of MLIT imports are on following wikipage.

2012/10/17 Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com>:
> Apologies for the non-Japanese message, but hopefully someone can translate
> if needed.
> osapon has been importing MLIT data from their normal account, not a
> dedicated account.
> I had previously contacted them when they imported 75k nodes but they might
> not speak English.
> See http://www.openstreetmap.org/user_blocks/270 for more information.
> Also, is MLIT a new import or an old one?
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Satoshi IIDA
mail: nyamp...@gmail.com
twitter: @nyampire

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