Hi everyone,
for everyone interested here's an update.
I split the data on 따릉이 bike stations by district and analyzed the
positions more precisely in my district (중랑구, 52 stations) and found 3
stations with invalid data. Better than nothing, but at that point I
gave up on automatic import of the whole thing, and switched to manual
import with individual checks for each station.

It's a bit more tiresome so it might take longer, but I'm still on the project.

If anyone is motivated and wants to work on a specific district,
please let me know and I can send you a JOSM file with all stations
for that district, with name and tags pre-filled. All you have to do
at that point will be to open the file in JOSM to verify the location,
remove duplicates (already existing entries), add english name if
possible, for each station.


2020-07-16 13:27 UTC, Faustin Pegeot <fpeg...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I noticed that the Seoul bike (따릉이) infrastructure near me was missing
> from OpenStreetMap. I managed to download the existing OSM data using
> https://overpass-turbo.eu/# (searching for tag amenity=bicycle_rental)
> and I found only 131 existing stations.
> In parallel, I got official data from
> https://www.data.go.kr/data/15051893/fileData.do and they report 1540
> stations. The data is complete, with name, latitude, longitude, bike
> capacity and everything. I managed to load the whole data into a
> data-frame with Python and sanity-check it all and it all looks fine.
> For those who want to see it, I attached all the data on my GitHub @
> https://github.com/mistrpopo/osm_ddareungi/blob/master/osm_ddareungi_compare.txt
> I am still in the process of comparing the two data sets to see
> whether they align well with the rest of the infrastructure (don't
> want to get bike stations in the middle of the street), but it looks
> promising so I want to start discussing the possibility of doing a
> mass import.
> Regarding licencing compatibility, the data is licenced under :
> - CC-BY
> - KOGL (Korean Open Government Licence) type 1. (in Korean 공공누리)
> From what I gathered, CC-BY is not fully compatible with OSM terms :
> https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2017/03/17/use-of-cc-by-data/
> Regarding KOGL type 1, here is an english version of the licence :
> https://www.mcst.go.kr/kor/s_open/kogl/koglType.jsp?pTab=05
> And here is a guide on licence compatibility for OGL-based licences :
> https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Licence_Compatibility#Open_Government_Licence_.28OGL.29_based_licences
> I don't have any experience with licences, so I am not sure where to
> continue from here. It sounds like we can use the data under KOGL
> licence (on the condition that we cite the source, which we will do
> under https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue ).
> If not, I understand that I must require explicit permission. I also
> have the contact details for the Korean "Open Data Portal" :
> - tel :  공공데이터 개방문의 1566-0025
> - email : opendata_h...@nia.or.kr
> However, my Korean is sketchy and I am not sure whether they speak
> english, therefore if a native person could contact them, that would
> be great. I am not sure how many active users there are in Korea ...
> but if there are, please get in touch!
> Thank you
> Faustin

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