Hi Marc,

I want to convert _all_ NL data into .osm so I disabled bounds checking. 2AND runs forever and takes lots of memory :(
Did you manage to convert the whole dataset?

I'm using latest v5.

On 29 Jul 2007, at 21:39, Marc Kessels wrote:

latest version (v5) is online at http://www.kessels.name/and2osm/

this one seems to result in a proper output of the data, including all
waterways and their islands (which were causing problems see mail below
from Jon).

only remaining "urgent" item is that some AND nodes (~800, so about
0.05%) have more than one ID. this might give problems for one-way
streets. have to check whether this is a real problem or not.


On Sat, 2007-07-28 at 19:03 +0200, Marc Kessels wrote:
On Sat, 2007-07-28 at 17:47 +0100, Jon Burgess wrote:
On Sat, 2007-07-28 at 17:55 +0200, Marc Kessels wrote:
Hi Jon,

thanks for your feedback. At this moment no aggregation of roads is done in my code. Apparantly that is really required for good rendering. I
will start to have a look at that.

I also found several bugs in the code, so please download version 3 from
It now also includes a bounding box, for faster conversion of a
problamatic area.


  I've just tried version 3. Initially I thought there was a problem
becuase ig genreated lots of errors and finished in a few seconds but it looks like you've just got a tiny bounding box. It took me a while to
find the data on the map :-)

There is an example of where an area isn't closed properly in this data. See the park in the S-W corner: leisure=park, AND=10000013. This has a
long N-S segment joining it to another area instead of being closed.

I'd be tempted to use the libavl binary tree. It should be more
maintainable in the long term, for an example see
http://trac.openstreetmap.org/browser/applications/rendering/ mapnik/all_tiles/C About the only thing you need to do is link against bst.[ch] and write the comparison function. All the tree management and searching is taken care of for you. libavl also provides other more advanced variants of the binary tree which can be dropped in with just a few lines of code



well, those errors were just reminders to the things that need fixing:
some nodes (having a ND_ID) in the AND data appear to be a way (or
area). This would result in a problem: to which point does the ID belong

second problem: some (lat,lon) coordinates appear as different nodes
having a different ID, so an easy lookup is not possible for checking
the direction of a one-way street (which is not always the direction of
the and-shape...).

third problem: one-way streets have to be corresponding to the from-ID and to-ID and not to the shape direction (requires reversing segments,

compared to that, merging of ways is only a tiny problem...

I have to leave now for a party, so feel free to submit a patch for the
b-tree improvement. That was source-code I was looking for!


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