On 8/22/07, Christ van Willegen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried opening the nld-leftover file in JOSM, but it said 'out of
> memory'. I know that I only have half a gig of ram in my machine, but
> still, a 63M (my nld-leftover file is 63M, did I miss anything? I
> thought I had the latest!) file shouldn't give me an out of memory
> condition.

Depends when you built it, it keeps getting smaller as we keep
removing stuff :) The one I have right now is 21MB, but I'm about to
put Assen back.

If you have the standard Sun JDK you can use "java -Xmx768m" to
allocate more memory.

> I've seen hints on how to start Java with momre memory, but not how to
> do this on a Mac. Does anyone know?

Not much experience with macs, but I imagine you can also run from the
command line. Perhaps it allows confugarion of josm "extrav java
options" maybe?

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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