On Thursday 23 July 2009 10:27:38 am Ed Garcia wrote:
> Hello Guys,
> Is there a way, or is there a tag or property that I can use so that
> certain POIs (usually Resorts in my case siempre) can appear at lower zoom
> levels instead of just zoom = 17?  There are cases kasi na there are only
> one or two resorts in a long stretch of beach.  When zoomed out (to
> appreciate the vicinity), the resort would not appear.  and then when
> zoomed in to see the resort, the vicinity can no longer be appreciated.
> here is an example ...
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=13.8598&lon=121.509&zoom=14&layers=B000FT
>F Try zooming in to zoom=17 where the resorts will start to appear.  By then
> the "vicinity orientation" is lost.
> Is there a tag or property that can dictate zoom level visibility of the
> POI?  This is usually the case in provincial areas where POIs are way far
> apart.
> thanks!,
> ed

I myself would not play with the Levels that these appear on but include two 
links, from your site. 
One for the Expanded Version for the vicinity and one for the actual place.
Or add a marker (use an embedded version on your site)

This will help later when many more places get added near that locality. (More 
and more places of interest will appear over time.)

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