a lot of the items on allow international shipment, without prohibitive cost:

I own this one, which works fine on Ubuntu Linux (although with a bit of fiddling to get it to work at firstm being u nfamiliar withh everything):
It's ?30, and only ?5 shipping to the phils, which totals PHP2367 at the moment. I always use it with bluetooth, leaving it on the dashboard while having the computer somewhere else in the car. Battery lasts for at least 24 hours, maybe even longer. You can charge with cigarette lighter adapter or USB cable, both included (at least when I bought it). A cool feature is that it uses a standard old-style Nokia battery! Should be easy to get replacements :) Can log to memory or straight to the computer. Logging interval adustable down to 1 sec (a bit tricky, command line only, but at least it's possible - and you only have to do that once anyway) Struggles a bit in urban canyons, but other than that I'm very happy with it. And it uses the MTK II chipset, which apparently is much better than the older SIRF ones - but this is just what I've read.


maning sambale wrote:

Any idea of the cost of GPS data loggers in the Philippines?  I'm
looking for the very basic small sized high sensitivity logger with
bluetooth connection you can interface with a smart phone or a laptop.

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