Dear ax,

Some people find it useful, some don't.  For me, the garmin map is
more of a debugging tool rather than a navigation gadget (I can find
my way even without a GPS given enough travel preparations).
Moreover, search in mkgmap doesn't really work well right now.
Therefore, you can't use the "search by State" in most garmin devices
with OSM/mkgmap data.

I don't have a strong opinion for or against this in the garmin map.
If others see this as map junk/clutter we can disable it.

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Axel Kollmorgen <> wrote:
>>>> Disclosure:
>>>> I'm appending the is_in:state tags to town and cities points in the
>>>> osm-ph garmin map.  See:
> i'm not liking this too much. most of the times i know the province i am in
> or want to go to. the province name behind the place name adds clutter to
> the map and distracts from more important information. what are the benefits
> of having it like this? does it out-weight the disadvantages? isn't there a
> way to have the information on the province available (for searching etc.),
> but not showing it behind every place name on the map?

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

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