Hello everyone.

As you may know, there's a line-up of rollbacks [0][1] [2] that's been
determined to have come from incompatible sources. It seems that the main
source of misunderstanding is that certain "free" government geodata and
maps are assumed to be okay to use in OpenStreetMap as a source.

Among these are data from: NAMRIA, Philippine Statistical Authority,
Project NOAH.

None of these agencies has signed a waiver, or has given any permission to
publish their data in OSM under ODbL.

The Department of Education, is the only government agency that permits[3]
the use of their data, specifically their dataset released in 2013 to be
published in OSM. This is the data source of the OSMaPaaralan project[4].

I'd like to invite the community for inputs and comments on the draft pad
for [5] for the FAQ - data sources for OSM contributors in PH


[0]: https://github.com/OSMPH/papercut_fix/issues/67
[1]: https://github.com/OSMPH/papercut_fix/issues/69
[2]: https://github.com/OSMPH/papercut_fix/issues/63
[4]: https://osm.org/wiki/Philippines/OSMaPaaralan
[5]: https://hackmd.io/yDFExxTeSaW6CwSdoEu2YA?view

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