On 01/11/2011 08:53 PM, Michał Borsuk wrote:
Hello everybody.

Now to what I'd change in the proposal:

1. Data consistency
Data consistency (not having a myriad of standards) is important,

...but it's not everything. Reaching this point to near 100% will cost us the points below. I strongly suggest that we "let go" some quality in exchange of gaining on the points below.

Think about it, the final result will be a matematical product of all five points, not only of the first one. I'd rather have 10'000 bus lines mapped to 99% accuracy, then 1000 lines mapped to 99,9% accuracy. I monitor bus lines in my area, and find it much easier to review and correct 10 new bus lines by newbies, than enter one bus line myself. (Well, maybe three).

2. sensible "learning curve"
This point will have to be addressed as the last one, after "efficiency".

3. efficiency

Now for a bit longer rant:
The point of having very exact data is, among others, to have timetables in the future. Am I correct?

I have looked at the source data of a few companies, both in Europe (hafas), and in US (Google Transit). The actual data is FAR MORE COMPLICATED than you can imagine. Buses may have "early morning Sunday runs" that aren't probably mapped in OSM, because nobody noticed them. Many more exceptions. OSM would probably have to take the day of the week and time of the day into account. It would be nice to have this data on OSM, but at this moment I *really* don't see this happening.

Also, OSM seems to be in a kind of a beta state in many places. Not far from my place there's a town of 20 thousand, that has three streets, and the bus terminal, thanks to yours truly. (And lots of buildings thanks to French Cadastre. But no streets.)

So in my opinion there is not so much sense caring for super correct data structures like our proposal provides, but to get on the map as many lines as possible, in the quality that we have now. It is in many cases sufficient! So what that the same bus stops at stop A in both directions? There's the printed timetable at the stop, there's Hafas/Google Transit online. For the user with GPS it matters that he/she found the bus stop.

To the point:
* I'd drop the requirement to have one relation in each direction. Not user friendly, not really necessary. As I said, the bus diverts, doesn't go the same route in both directions? If it's a one-way street, ignore it. Otherwise set a label, or "role", and don't worry about it. ÖPNVkarte already displays it well.

* drop the mother relation with it. Again, not user friendly, and "normal" people don't like B-Trees (e.g. nested relations - it would be two-step nested relation).

* another point to dropping the relations is: leave the thinking and sorting to machines. Label (use relations) what is not standard, i.e. runs on different streets, and leave it to Melchior Moss' superb map to deal with. He managed, didn't he?

* bus stops: pardon le mot, but who cares where the stop_point is? People wait at bus stops. I'd scrap it. Surely this will introduce an inconsistency between buses and trams, but this can be solved.

* things like RER: for one line there is a central station, and a number of terminuses (termini). The entire schematic for *one* line looks like a Christmas tree. If we were to provide a relation for each possible destination and back, it would easily produce 10, 12 or more relations, nested in another relation. Again, what for? What do we want to achieve by this? If we want to get a timetable for a stop, there's the stop code, which can be entered into the local online timetable, and there you go. Example:

Bus stop name=Pieper stop_id=40028
Corresponding HAFAS page:
here's the stop ID:                                   ^^^^^^

Simple and easy, and I've been using those codes on my telephone (opera mini). It's easier to type "12613" than "Beim Weisenstein". It would be even easier if somebody could write a simple extension to OSM to automatize it.

4. usability with present software

I think we can assume that a lot of edits are done by small, one-time users (Pareto principle again). Those guys are not going to download JOSM, a piece of software requiring another download (Java), just to learn it and put one bus line. Are we ready to cut off a majority of small users by introducing something that they can't do with Potlatch? (Potlatch 2 doesn't provide all the required tools for this proposal)

5. Info page on wiki

The existing mess was quite recently turned into a standard of its own by a discussion on this list/newsgroup. Why don't we get back to it, make a website and just update a few things, instead of reinventing the wheel?



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