Agreed; ref:gtfs just won't work, and ref:OPER probably would. 

I was originally thinking in terms of some gtfs:key tags for imported
data, similar to tiger:key tags.  Once you consider multiple objects
could be merged, though, that would likewise need to change to
gtfs:OPER:key.  But do we need such import tags if we can directly put
the data directly into normal tags, such as your ref:OPER?  My first
thought was no, but perhaps it could help OSM edits survive future
imports of lower-quality GTFS data? 

>From the other side, how can we design this so that stops removed from
one or more GTFS feeds can be properly updated in OSM?  I was thinking a
gtfs:OPER:importdate tag, and once you're done adding/updating all the
objects in the latest GTFS feed, you can then query for objects still
showing a previous import date.  But there is probably a better way. 


On 2018-01-16 15:17, Jo wrote:

> That is why I think it's important not to go with ref:gtfs, but use 
> ref:operator1, ref:operator2. Where operator1 and operator2 are the names or 
> short names for the different operators. In many cases you'll find that these 
> refs are also what the public sees on the stops (if the operators decide to 
> put it there) or in internet urls when using the operator's website.
> Here in Belgium, we have 3 operators extending into the other operator's 
> mostly served area and some lines extend into neighbouring countries, so we 
> had to namespace the ref tag a few years ago, already. 
> Polyglot 
> 2018-01-16 22:07 GMT+01:00 Stephen Sprunk <>:
>> AFAIK, the operator ID is only guaranteed to be unique within a single GTFS 
>> feed, but it's reasonably safe to assume they'll also be unique between 
>> feeds with overlapping geographical areas.  It's probably not safe to assume 
>> that's transitive. 
>> Where operators don't cooperate and produce a single joint feed, you'll 
>> inevitably face the "same" stops appearing in multiple feeds.  Imagine a 
>> single roadside bus stop pole with signs from two or three different bus 
>> operators on it, and that pole would have a different ID and probably even 
>> different lat/long in each feed.  Ideally, a local OSM editor would be able 
>> to merge them into a single stop object--and that merger would survive later 
>> bulk imports from all those GTFS feeds.  This would cut down on map clutter 
>> and allow routing apps to more easily recognize transfers, but I'm not sure 
>> how to design such a schema. 
>> It's been a while since I read the spec, but I think GTFS also has a similar 
>> concept to stop_areas, and that will probably have similar problems to 
>> stops. 
>> Routes appear simpler to deal with since they're unique to each operator, 
>> but they're inherently built on top of stops (or stop_areas), so they may 
>> present new problems when we get there. 
>> S

Stephen Sprunk      "Those people who think they know everything
CCIE #3723         are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
K5SSS                                             --Isaac Asimov
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