> It looks like a lot of useful information can be gleaned from this,
> especially county, township, park, and municipality borders.
> I'm not sure if, or how, the maps could be used directly without some
> sort of PDF overlay method in JOSM, or maybe a highly speciallized PDF
> -> OSM converter.

I haven't looked at the Wisconsin data, but I did do a little
experimentation with PDFs.  If the PDF contains a bitmap, you can extract
it with any number of tools, but you're stuck with tracing.

If it contains vector data, you can start to do intersting things.  You
can convert it to SVG using "pstoedit".  I experimented a little using
pstoedit to create svg, and then started on a perl script to convert the
SVG to an OSM file for JOSM.  It could be made to work for small areas
where map projection would not be a problem.

But because it is just line drawing data, you lose all original metadata
about the lines.  If some other GIS-type data is available, I'd try to use
that first.

- Alan

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