This is still treacherous ground.  Say you compared Yahoo and Microsoft - and they had the same name.  It doesn't matter - the real owner of the copyright to that data is Navteq; it's still a single source, and you could still be caught by copy traps.  It's always better to rely on sources without copyright ambiguities.

From: Hilton Long <>
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 3:14:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Public Domain Non-GPS Data Question

This discussion about facts versus “creative spark” relates to a question I raised earlier about street names, which may only be available on commercial databases like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft “Live Earth”.


I propose that when Google and Yahoo agree that the name of the street is “Main Street”, it is a fact, and no longer possesses that “creative spark” that might exist if somebody creating an easter egg spelled it “Maine Street”.


The counties or municipalities may not have the data in a convenient form, and street signs may not exist.

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