On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 8:14 AM, Theodore Book <tb...@libero.it> wrote:
> Sorry to be slow to the conversation.  I have been importing the NHD
> data for Georgia, and have scripts that do the conversion for all of the
> NHD Ftypes that I have found so far.  I have also prepared a version of
> polyshp2osm that converts areas to complex multipolygons, which allows a
> restriction on maximum way length (important for the API 0.6
> conversion.)  If anyone wants them, I would be happy to e-mail them to
> him, or, if someone would like to post them on some website, that would
> be great, too.

Either would be awesome, thanks!  I've been meaning to start hacking
on the polyshp2osm but I've gotted distracted by fixing all of the
Interstates near me.  Apparently I'm one of the ony OSM mappers in my
area so there's lots of work to do.

Jeff Ollie

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