Hi All,
In the US, there is some chatting going on about the US chapter being
formed, although some of the technical details (local laws) are different,
the same general principle and ideas and reasons for becoming a local
chapter are the same internationally.

All the problems... logistically (time changes) and ability to actually meet
in person  or via conference call or via skype / video, are pretty much the
same for everyone.

In Canada, (once the import is further underway, there will be more active
involvement with the national team), so the need to form a chapter might
become clearer to more people.

I probably should have forwarded the wiki page i made up last week to the
local-chapt...@openstreetmap.org list, so then others can see & comment.


In Canada the OGeo BC chapter is interested in knowing what's going on.
(but im not a chapter, im just 1 person) .. and the OSGeo Ottawa group & the
Quebec group are also interested, and there is a language barrier for the
Quebec group.)

Also, it would be great to see what's going on with the Spanish chapter
(OSGeo As well) then we all can see more clearer how it an all tie in.   (As
other countries might be further along, but we just dont know about it).

And with the Austrailia Import, there would probably be a need to a local
chaper (i know that OSM was talked about during the FOSS conference, but not
highlighted)  Since OSM-Australia doesn't exist yet, formal proposals are

And with The New Zealand data, i know the Linz is being worked on... but i
still cant see why they dont have an @openstreetmap.org mailing list, and
they use @osgeo mailing list.  (So all the OSGeo folks, are already in-board
in that country).

So you can see some inconsistencies.. where help is available, just not yet
being tapped.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 3:18 AM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 2009/11/2 Henk Hoff <henk.h...@osmfoundation.org>:
> > I will check whether John is also included in the local chapters working
> > group mailingaddress. If not, my apologies for not getting the
> invitation.
> > If anyone else would also be involved with the *working group*, let me
> know.
> I can only assume that anyone wanting to be involved would have
> subsribed to the general list.
> _______________________________________________
> Local-chapters mailing list
> local-chapt...@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/local-chapters
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