On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 7:55 PM, andrzej zaborowski <balr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hiya,
> 2009/11/12 Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com>:
> > I'm looking at some donated street centerline data that has addressing
> data
> > in the form of "Right/Left From Addr" and "Right/Left To Addr" on each
> > street centerline. Is there an accepted way of applying these tags to the
> > road ways? It doesn't really make very much sense to create and store a
> > separate way just for the addressing information.
> The hope is that local mappers there will be slowly improving imported
> data until there are separate points for every address I think?  Then
> I'd recommend just adding those separate ways and making it easier for
> the mappers to build on this data, instead of making it harder for
> nearly everyone dealing with OSM data by adding a whole different
> addressing scheme.

No, I doubt local mappers will improve the data. I sent this mail because
almost all of the data I've seen available for import in the US (all the way
from individual municipalities to TIGER's shapefiles) has this
left/right-from/to scheme for addressing information.

If the expectation is that we will always be following the Karlsruhe schema
(with separate ways on each side of the road centerline), then importing
this addressing data will be next to impossible*.


* Ok, not "impossible", but the import size would triple and the CPU time to
compute the new addressing-only ways might make it hard for the "regular
mapper" to do.
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