On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 16:05 -0600, SteveC wrote:
> any idea where...? maybe we could get some locals to investigate what
> they are?

I added an "addr:raw" tag so we can find this in the future.  But,
here's one example.  There only appear to be a few of these per county.
I *think* they're mostly just garbage.  The other county that I looked
at had it isolated to this court:


But, as you can see, there's at most one house on that thing and there
was a whole range of addresses.  

<node id='-354523' action='create' visible='true' lat='43.358025'
lon='-124.211401' >
<tag k="addr:housenumber" v="38-200" />
<tag k="addr:postcode" v="97420" />
<tag k="addr:street" v="E Johnson Ave" />
<tag k="addr:state" v="Oregon" />
<tag k="addr:county" v="Coos, OR" />
<tag k="addr:country" v="US" />
<node id='-354525' action='create' visible='true' lat='43.358031'
lon='-124.212018' >
<tag k="addr:housenumber" v="72-252" />
<tag k="addr:postcode" v="97420" />
<tag k="addr:street" v="E Johnson Ave" />
<tag k="addr:state" v="Oregon" />
<tag k="addr:county" v="Coos, OR" />
<tag k="addr:country" v="US" />
<node id='-354522' action='create' visible='true' lat='43.357860'
lon='-124.211404' >
<tag k="addr:housenumber" v="1" />
<tag k="addr:postcode" v="97420" />
<tag k="addr:street" v="E Johnson Ave" />
<tag k="addr:state" v="Oregon" />
<tag k="addr:county" v="Coos, OR" />
<tag k="addr:country" v="US" />
<node id='-354524' action='create' visible='true' lat='43.357866'
lon='-124.212021' >
<tag k="addr:housenumber" v="99" />
<tag k="addr:postcode" v="97420" />
<tag k="addr:street" v="E Johnson Ave" />
<tag k="addr:state" v="Oregon" />
<tag k="addr:county" v="Coos, OR" />
<tag k="addr:country" v="US" />
<tag k="addr:raw" v="38-200:72-252:1:99" />
<way id='-354526' action='create' visible='true'> 
<nd ref='-354523' /> 
<nd ref='-354525' /> 
<tag k="addr:interpolation" v="all" />
<tag k="addr:postcode" v="97420" />
<tag k="addr:street" v="E Johnson Ave" />
<tag k="addr:state" v="Oregon" />
<tag k="addr:county" v="Coos, OR" />
<tag k="addr:country" v="US" />
<tag k="source" v="tiger_import_v0.3_20091116231244" />
<tag k="attribution" v="tiger" />

-- Dave

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