On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 15:50 -0800, Jeff Barlow wrote:
> I'm new here and a little unsure of how best to proceed. I'm
> having some issues getting JOSM to run but I expect to get those
> sorted out soon. Then I want to start working on TIGER fixup.
> I'm located in central Oregon, near Bend. I see a lot of mapped
> roads around here, imported from TIGER, that are clearly very
> wrong.

Cool, more Oregon mappers! :)

> Should I simply delete these or just change their tags so they
> don't render as roads? If the latter, how should they be tagged?

If you've been there and can confirm that there's nothing there, or
they're bad enough that you can't figure out what they correspond to,
delete them.  But, I personally don't want people deleting everything
that doesn't appear on aerial imagery.

> OTOH, there are new roads that aren't in the currently imported
> version of the TIGER data. These I can clearly GPS and map.

Excellent.  TIGER was from 2005 at best.

> In all of these cases I'm unsure of how my edits will coexist
> future imports of TIGER 2009, 2010, etc. For instance if I just
> delete bogus roads will they come back like zombies? 
> Perhaps there's some guidance in the Wiki about all this but I
> have yet to come across it.

I'm not sure we'll ever import a full TIGER set again.  We'll certainly
do everything we can to not overwrite any work that people are doing
now, especially with roads that people deleted in their entirety.

-- Dave

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