When you use bikemap.net you can use the cyclemap layer & it will route
based on that.

Also, for Garmin MapSource with using - OSM Worldwide routable, it does a
great job routing cyclists :)


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 4:44 AM, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes but do we have software that can work out a route for cyclists or
> pedestrians or bus and pedestrians yet?
> Cheerio John
> On 10 March 2010 03:30, Sam Vekemans <acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Grrrr...
>> But you cant print Google Maps in Books, nor can you create custom Garmin
>> Maps & Iphone apps with the data ... or print mugs. Or create custom
>> renderings or extract data from it.
>> Nor can you edit the map & add more details.
>> Nor can you create customs tourist maps (ie. Wiki-Travel) & maposmatic
>> ...walking-papers or do anything else creative with the data.
>> Yup, sites like www.bikemap.net www.wikiloc.com www.gpsies.com all show
>> the OpenCycleMap layer & people keep donating their GPS tracks :-)
>> So yup, we'll always have the edge :0)
>> Cheers,
>> Sam
>> P.S. no i havent contacted the Bike League
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: ron <richi...@telus.net>
>> Date: Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 9:45 PM
>> Subject: [gvcc-members] Google Goes Bike with Directions
>> To: v...@yahoogroups.com, trans-act...@googlegroups.com,
>> gvcc-memb...@yahoogroups.com, disc...@lists.velolove.bc.ca
>>   *Google Announces Google Biking Directions at the
>> League of American Bicyclists'
>> 2010 National Bike Summit *
>> *Washington, D.C. **-** March 10, 2010 **-* The League of American
>> Bicyclists is proud to be the forum for Google to announce what all bike
>> riders have been waiting for - Grab Your Bike and Go with Google Maps.
>> Google is announcing at the Opening Plenary Session at the National Bike
>> Summit
>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103167038569&s=6360&e=001pYbKTip6NGXjLW-9rUimGNoYI_DSUEwU5ZCUxLtwNQTCAIjnOF_OCCe7N4HDMNuzlirLqjCEihDKrpoL3okpege7lE0CbppeRD2mHOmgQHbGuyhR-dfl_t8606w1mp_vMTjG5krWnAWe2B7ahhy2JRLty9SBVpkg>that
>> they are adding biking directions in the U.S. to Google Maps."This new tool
>> will open people's eyes to the possibility and practicality of hopping on a
>> bike and riding," said Andy Clarke, President of the League of American
>> Bicyclists. "We know people want to ride more, and we know it's good for
>> people and communities when they do ride more - this makes it possible. It
>> is a game-changer, especially for those short trips that are the most
>> polluting,"
>> Users can now choose biking when deciding how to get to their destination,
>> starting today, March 10, 2010. If you're one of the 57 million Americans
>> who ride a bike, mapping your daily commute, and planning recreational or
>> trail rides just became easier. According to Google this has been the most
>> requested addition to Google Maps, and the League is delighted that they
>> have chosen the National Bike Summit to unveil this new feature. Google's
>> announcement further proves the importance of the Summit and the bicycle
>> movement in helping our nation become a more Bicycle Friendly 
>> America<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103167038569&s=6360&e=001pYbKTip6NGXuIZpLWiG3X8Le3SCrWyC4rnhS-odeLkeUvsRiygYpaBlvUtvO-tg0FwNmPojHxV6m5F4lEvDsVMIBzU7d1uvXIdUlGDrQ-_HCgxf2GvDBp3qN6xzhRc6bvJ0S76QHCAH1MRvtr1C0r9O_LeTaXNOPBnk0L7X4Z2g=>.
>> The Google biking directions will make it that much easier for bicyclists to
>> get to work, school or play.
>> This new feature includes: step-by-step bicycling directions; bike trails
>> outlined directly on the map; and a new "Bicycling" layer that indicates
>> bike trails, bike lanes, and bike-friendly roads. The directions feature
>> provides step-by-step, bike-specific routing suggestions - similar to the
>> directions provided by our driving, walking, or public transit modes. Simply
>> enter a start point and destination and select "Bicycling" from the
>> drop-down menu. You will receive a route that is optimized for cycling,
>> taking advantage of bike trails, bike lanes, and bike-friendly streets and
>> avoiding hilly terrain whenever possible.
>> Visit 
>> http://maps.google.com/biking<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103167038569&s=6360&e=001pYbKTip6NGUMp5vvnnFtNxTAw4z-60rI9dIaf05UbwoX2sWcgGqwvUEpohGlo-nDsUxrf_4-N5-KDfk07e3KJLyY0ZoGLI67L274FNWyEyofMaSkXUYHlA==>to
>>  try out this new feature. Biking directions for Google Maps is currently
>> in Beta. Follow the League's news feed on the new Google feature on the 
>> League's
>> Blog<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103167038569&s=6360&e=001pYbKTip6NGVkazOBtGfc85pAf0NAjhCrbX2LlCHRPbLwKCM0KdTv9Wc9pwSXMg8ufd7IhB7fj0AA83esJN8y-TxFdk3s9F-R0L0X43IvelE8m4knTHy-8MO3h1qfWGQL>,
>> Facebook<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103167038569&s=6360&e=001pYbKTip6NGWqzMQ8-k2SE-Cvg1H-P4SiKo9VF0G0SYhW81XT66R5M-RjnGBvO0m-tGNngMTkWeRzHZn-8lFadJGmu7gn89gcFjEPRCv9rqPh68mxsWcEPNHIUuSA4qte>and
>> Twitter<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103167038569&s=6360&e=001pYbKTip6NGUVsn7O_cFAtzm9I-aVmj3PZ54Ik147hDA3PVcNYyXKg08OEGVIHJCFrosx9SbPviT0ho8ibBze4ViL-mAfm40SoV87Kf5sust5BvCTz1f-cw==>.
>> If you have any further questions, contact Meghan Cahill at 202.822.1333 or
>> meg...@bikeleague.org.
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