On 13 May 2010 02:32, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Anthony wrote:
>>         What if a new contributor reverts it?  Would the revert then be
>>         considered ODBL?
>>     A revert is an edit like any other.
>> What does that mean?
> It means that the legal situation in the following two cases is exactly
> the same:
> 1) A creates road; B edits road; C edits road.
> 2) A creates road; B deletes road; C undeletes road.

Well, I can kind of see a problem here (and am not in the states now
:-) ).  In both situations the final version is a derived work of
version A or B, or even a copy.  User C obtained version B under
CC-By-SA, but claims to hold copyright of it and grant all the rights
to OSMF when she uploads her change.


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