I recently received the following messages and was curious if anyone knew of
any applications out there that used OSM (still waiting to get OSM's
mediawiki extension on Wikia). Suggestions?

"I work for the a local County Civil Defense Agency. We have an interest in
establishing a "Disaster Wiki" that would allow us to take in information
from the community when a disaster strikes. Our interest stems from an
article in Emergency Management magazine, which describes how a wiki could
be used to gather information. The basic thought is that after a disaster,
people could go to a pre-established wiki and fill out a simple online form,
geo-code the location of the damage, add a picture and have that information
populate a map. We could display the map on our monitors in the Emergency
Operations Center and help identify which areas of the island were hardest
hit by the event. I was initially steered toward a site called ushahidi.com,
but we would have to load the software on a County Server and we currently
do not have the server capacity to handle the additional traffic. Our
desired solution would be to have the wiki hosted offsite. I was wondering
if you might have any suggestions. Thanks for any help you can offer."
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