Come one, Come all!

The U.S. Chapter of OSM is launching its own Marketing and Communication Working Group to support the chapter's activities with marketing and publicity.
        But, to do this right, we need YOU!
If you have experience or an interest in public relations, marketing or journalism, put your skills and enthusiasm to use to help us get the word out about OSM. We won't take up too much of your time, meeting about monthly, or every other week when things get busy, such as when it gets close to the SOTM. We'll have fun, too, as we invent new, creative ways to publicize OSM. To join, please email me at I'll get back to you so we can schedule our first meeting

Best wishes,

Charlotte Wolter

Charlotte Wolter
Chair, Marketing and Communications Working Group

The Four Internet Freedoms
Freedom to visit any site on the Internet
Freedom to access any content or service that is not illegal
Freedom to attach any device that does not interfere with the network
Freedom to know all the terms of a service, particularly any that would affect the first three freedoms.
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