On 01/05/2011 09:50 AM, Richard Weait wrote:
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Alex Mauer<ha...@hawkesnest.net>  wrote:

Not sure if you’re looking for commentary on the shield overlay in general,
but it seems like it has some problems.  Take a look at I-39/US-51 here[1].
  Only one shield for I-39 until you scroll all the way south to Bloomington,

I don’t know if that’s because it’s prioritizing US shields over interstate
shields or what, but it should show both at equal frequency.  It also seems
like there are way too many US-51 shields.

When more than one relation is shared on a way, the shield placement
is sensitive to relative way-length, and starting points.  Zoom in a
bit and you get alternating shields.

You have to zoom in quite a bit (z11) to start seeing I-39 regularly. It makes it quite a bit harder to follow the route.

The correct way to do this will be to find co-incident relations, and
build a combined shield to place at each shield location, rather then
alternating positions.  This scales better for multiple co-incident
relations.  And it looks great.

It seems to me that the correct way is to actually alternate positions…at zoom 9 you see one I-39 shield near Wausau, and then bunches of US-51 shields as you go south.

I’m sure that building a combined shield would also do the job though, as long as it doesn’t end up too wide.

I've added state routes in several states.  Check your favorite places
in CA, CO, NH, NY, OH, MA, and a few others (so far).  I also added
some shields in Australia the other day.

Ah, I only looked in WI.

I’d give the shields a black outline rather than putting them on a solid
black box.

I understand that others will make different rendering choices when
they build their styles.  ;-)

I have nothing against the "die-cut" style of US shield, but the ones
I see posted on the roads 'round here have the black rectangular
background.  I think CA still uses the die-cut shield.  Do others?

As NE2 said, the black background is common on standalone signs but the die-cut style is used on the green guide signs [1]. I find the black corners distracting, and it loses the distinctive shape of the US sign. It also looks sort of like the artifacts you see when text has the wrong-color background or a colored background instead of a transparent one.

Maybe try just a black outline on the shaped shield, or even just beveling the corners of the black outline?

—Alex Mauer “hawke”

1. http://www.aaroads.com/delaware/delaware010/us-040_eb_at_de-001_sb.jpg

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