In some areas where the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) has been
imported, the rendering of the data is less than desirable.  I am not
sure if this is something that should be fixed in renderers or in the

The issue is that the NHD includes polygons for waterbodies in one
data set, and stream lines in another data set.  In the streams data
set, artificial flow connectors have been introduced to provide
connectivity through the waterbodies (e.g. lakes).  When the data is
rendered in the default OSM Mapnik tiles, the artificial stream
connectors are being rendered on top of the waterbody polygons.

Here is an example:

Here is an example of one of the ways representing an artificial
connector:  Note
that with the tags assigned, there is no way to determine if this way
represents an artificial connector or not.

Is there a consensus (not that there ever is in OSM...) on what the
best solution for this is?

I see a couple of scenarios.  They depend partially on what the
purpose of the NHD import is.

1.  If the stream data has been imported to allow network creation and
stream navigation, the connectors should stay. (Kayaking directions by
MapQuest?!) If they are only being imported for the purpose of
providing a high-res water background layer, they could probably be
removed.  Should they be removed?

2.  If the connectors should stay should tickets be submitted to
renderers to somehow put the artificial connectors 'under' the
waterbodies based on existing tags?

3.  If the connectors should stay, should a tag be added based on the
feature's FCODE to mark these connectors so that the renderers can
have an easier time dealing with them?  I don't know if this is a
hydro-specific tag, like waterway=artificial_connector or if it is
just done through the assignment of layer tags (could get messy).

I am sure that others have thought about this.  Since this is a
nation-wide import, it would be great to have a consistent approach to


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