On 5/16/11 1:16 PM, andrzej zaborowski wrote:
On 16 May 2011 17:56, Richard Welty<rwe...@averillpark.net>  wrote:
On 5/16/11 11:10 AM, andrzej zaborowski wrote:
On 16 May 2011 06:09, Richard Welty<rwe...@averillpark.net>    wrote:
i recently spent some quality time doing tiger review in a community
that has a rather straightforward naming system for its avenues.
it starts with A Avenue to the south and steps through the alphabet
as the avenues appear to the north.

a de-abbreviation bot had been run on the area.

it should most assuredly _not_ have "corrected" E Ave to East Avenue,
nor should it have "corrected" N Ave to North Avenue.

please be careful with these things, folks.
Yes, the bot tried to use direction prefix tag to distinguish between
E as a letter and E for East and it turned out to be wrong in the 2006
data way too often.
i'm not sure i'm following this. there are no prefix tags that i can see
on the ways in question:

Ironically this one looks like a manual edit (or at least it doesn't
have a bot=yes tag on the changeset and it's more localised than bot
edits tend to be), and it's in Iowa where the automated expansion has
not been run.
some automated expansion has been run here.

the changeset comment for version 2 is "Expanding street names in Story County, IA" i seriously doubt anyone manually expanded an entire county with 1625 ways in the bounding box. likely someone's own bot, someone who was unaware of the bot=yes
tag, perhaps.


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