In the US if you get records through a FOIA they are public records of the
US Govt.

USPS Procedures on FOIA

For the FOIA regulations that apply to the USPS see

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 8:00 AM, Nathan Edgars II <> wrote:

> (crossposted to talk-us)
> On 9/2/2011 3:30 AM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
>> On 09/01/2011 12:01 AM, Stephen Hope wrote:
>>> On 1 September 2011 11:41, Nathan Edgars II<> wrote:
>>>> In the US, the problem is that address place names depend on which post
>>>> office serves the area, and there is no freely available accurate data
>>>> showing this. Many suburban areas outside Orlando city limits have
>>>> Orlando
>>>> in the address, and there are some cases where a place in city A uses an
>>>> address that is not city A.
>>> That's interesting, and a bit weird to me. Here, post offices open,
>>> close, move around, merge and split - and it makes no difference to my
>>> address.
>> I've lived to places in the USA where I could not be called to Jury
>> duty... because the Court sent notices based a naive address match, but
>> the property was actually in a different jurisdiction.
>> Note that the USPS recently lost a freedom of information act fight, and
>> was forced to share post box data. Perhaps other data can be FOI'ed out
>> of them.
> As far as I know, FOIA has nothing to do with copyright, and since the USPS
> is not technically part of the government, its data is copyrighted by
> default.
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