
On 09/30/2011 08:36 PM, Mike N wrote:
Really? Are there people who say "I'd rather not map because there is no
consensus on the roads tagging"? Are those people the 20,000 missing
mappers in the US?

It is more like "I don't see anyone using the map except for Skobbler,
so why should I invest my time?" And what are the obstacles to usage?
inconsistent tagging.

Yes,but are the only meaningful uses of the map really those that depend on cross-state consistent road tagging? I find that hard to believe.

And even if it were so - it may be that Greece and Norway are different countries, and they certainly have different authorities responsible for road naming and design, but you can simply grab your car and go from Greece to Norway without even having to show an ID to anybody - and yet nobody in Greece has claimed that inconsistent road tagging within Europe was an obstacle to usage.

In the
US, there may be minor differences from state to state, but we expect
products to work seamlessly everywhere.

Maybe I am missing something but I feel that over here we have products that work pretty well, in Greece and in Norway and everywhere in between, and we certainly don't have a unified tagging scheme.

I think this is a strawman. There's tons of people who like to claim that OSM cannot be used for something, and then suddenly someone comes along and makes it work. There are those who sit back and wait until someone finally provides the proper preconditions for them to go to work, and there are those who pull up their sleeves and do the work anyway.

I think that it is always more important to make things easy for mappers; users - and especially commercial users - should be our second priority, not our first. Because they stand to make a profit from using OSM, they can be expected to invest some time and brain power in finding out how to make OSM usable for them (just as Skobbler did!) whereas we mappers should just do what works well for us.

Of course this would require some self-discipline on the part of mappers; nobody must run a bot to impose his personal tagging scheme on the rest of the country.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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