We had a great meeting last night in Waterloo.  Five attended
including one newcomer.  We enjoyed delicious refreshments at our host
venue and adequate wifi connectivity.

I really enjoy these meetings with a combination of "regular mapping
pals" and enthusiastic newcomers.  It feels good to be able to coach a
newcomer through that "one thing they don't know how to do with the
editor".  That's something that feels like it makes a difference by
building a better mapper in addition to building a better map.  Having
the regular mapping pals means a chance to catch up on our mutual or
varied interests.  Sometimes we even talk about OSM.  ;-)

So.  When is your local group meeting next?

Which of you is going to get a local group going in Southern
California, or re-animate one in Northern California?  Why isn't there
a regular group meeting in Portland?  Or somewhere in Texas?

These monthly meetings are easy to organize, fun to participate in,
and helpful for your local OSM community and the wider OSM community.

What is stopping YOU from starting your group?

You can also find nearby existing groups on the map!

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