On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 10:25 AM, Steven Johnson <sejohns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Census Bureau, through their partnerships and liaisons with state
> & local govt, are acutely aware of the need and importance of address data.
> They are in fact open to finding ways to make the data available and still
> protect the privacy of individuals. It will likely take a while to get a
> change in policy, stand up some mechanism to provide data, create protocols
> for privacy protection, etc. but the fact that they're seriously considering
> these changes is progress.

The problem is not the policies, the problem is the law.  If the
problem were the policies, then an FOIA request would work.

A list of all addresses does not violate the privacy of individuals.
If that were all the law said, then I would try the request. But the
law goes further than saying the Census Bureau cannot violate the
privacy of individuals. It says the Census Bureau cannot distribute
"raw data reported by or on behalf of individuals".

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