stevea wrote:

> Most specific shields in California look "good and familiar," as you
> make correct distinctions between Interstates and state routes.
> However, "county routes" (designated by a "regional letter" and a
> number, such as "S 21") are not rendered with proper shields at all.
> This is a critical component for many areas.

You probably should know that I've been adding the S21 tags to Old Highway 
101. I could add a route relation for it if needed.

> And oddly, in the San Diego area, "CA 209" and "CA 75" (Point Loma
> and Coronado, respectively) don't render with your newer shields, but
> the old style Mapnik shields.  Even in "read only mode" I am unable
> coax JOSM to "read only" so I can't see what these (S 21, CA 209 and
> CA 75) tags are.  It may be that they are tagged in a wrong or odd
> way, it may be that you aren't catching a certain case of things, I'm
> not sure.

Rosecrans is technically no longer a state highway, as CA 209 was 
decommissioned in 2003. I could take another look at 75 when the database is 
editable again.

PS Shouldn't Palomar Airport Road be S12?


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