* Kate Chapman <k...@maploser.com> [2012-05-10 14:01 -0400]:
> I think if we were too look at what is on the sign I bet it is U.S.S.
> MLK though often fully spells out the name on the sign.
> I would think in these cases it should be what is on the sign. Since
> it isn't an abbreviation of the road type, but the actual street name.

I agree.  I've made similar decisions about stuff in my area.  The right
of way of the old Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad has been
repurposed in various places.  One part is a road signed as WB&A Road,
which I've opted to tag as "name=WB&A Road".  Another part is a hike/bike
trail often referred to as the WB&A Trail, but officially called the
Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Trail, so I've tagged it as
"name=Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Trail".  (Coincidentally, as I
looked at the map to check my tagging, I saw that another part of the WB&A
right of way is a Martin Luther King Jr Highway.)

...computer contrarian of the first order... / http://aperiodic.net/phil/
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