He posted the script!  You read thru and test it if you do not trust him,
which you just came out and said you do not.

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 7:20 AM, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:

> On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 7:08 AM, Dale Puch <dale.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > He is only editing ways originally imported by tiger, based on the tiger
> > prefix, suffix, road type, and base name.  If all were rev 1 unedited
> > imports it would work darn well.  The testing is mostly for bad tiger
> data
> > and subsequent edits that confuse things.
> Surely anything less than "darn well" is unacceptable.
> > Your just saying it cant/shouldn't be done, and he is figuring out a way
> to
> > make it work correctly.
> He just said in the other thread that he can't get it to work
> correctly, and that the focus should be on fixing the mistakes.
> > Let him do his tests and provide results, and then
> > you can try and find the faults in that rather than telling him to not
> try.
> I don't think it's a good idea to find the faults.  He'll just fix
> them and come out with a new version.  And then, evenutally, we'll
> stop finding faults.  He'll assume that means the faults aren't there.
>  But what it really means is that the faults are ones that are harder
> to find.
> > He isn't running this on the live DB so why not encourage/help him
> produce
> > better results.
> Because if he produces better results it's more likely people are
> going to allow this to be run on the live DB.
> > If there are things you know that will cause problems,
> > provide real examples of it so he can edit and test the script to handle
> > them or gracefully skip those.
> See above.  Manually finding the errors in the script is equivalent to
> manually editing the names in the first place.

Dale Puch
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