>From a slightly different perspective, there are, in fact, many solutions,
each of which may be suboptimal in some respects.  In any case, the
scalability issues arising as a result of data growth will need to be dealt

Some benefits may be had looking for optimizations to apply to data
download implementation, which would allow increasing the download sizes
for JOSM.  I use the web based editors for very simple/very small areas as
they're significantly slower than JOSM.

It is certainly possible to split feature storage into separate layers, but
it would make conflict checking and conflation (much) more complex, and
ideally would be shared nothing across the layers.  Still, at some point, a
data partitioning scheme may be required as size continues to increase.

If editing with JOSM, subsets of features can be turned off for display
purposes to help focus on the current task, but all data still needs to be
loaded locally, so not very helpful in densely featured areas.

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 6/11/2012 7:17 PM, Mark Gray wrote:
>> On one hand, I share the frustration of having lots of new data in
>> an area making some of our tools slower and more difficult to use.
>> In my area a building footprint import slowed down most of the
>> mapping tools and land use polygons can get in the way of editing
>> roads.
> I agree with this. But I'm not sure that there is a solution. You can use
> XAPI/Overpass API to download only roads in an area, but you get conflicts
> (or worse, you move a node and screw up something else without realizing
> it) when nodes are shared with other non-downloaded features. This can
> happen directly (road passing through a building or the IMO bad practice of
> using roads as landuse borders) or indirectly (e.g. road - parking lot -
> building - landuse).
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