On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 12:29 AM, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us> wrote:
>> It might be because this road seems to have two type suffixes: Branch
>> and Road. But the TIGER data model only allows for one so they shoved
>> the first one into the name field. Ideally (IMO) they should have put
>> "Branch" in its unabbreviated form into the name field. But I guess
>> that would have been too easy. Have you found very many of these?
> It looks like each TIGER group came up with their own decision of what to
> populate in each field. You'd think there
> would have been a standard, at least for common suffixes and prefixes.
> I pulled the TIGER 2012 data for just one county, Jackson, in NC.  There
> were
> 510 Br suffixes. Someone from the area might be able to help out, but that's
> a lot just for one county.  There are also 422
> roads with Branch in the name. Most with Rd as a suffix.  A few with Trl and
> some with no suffix.

Well then this particular one does indeed seem to be a local
specialty. I just did a search through all of the 2012 data that I
used to do the road name tiles expansion and there are a total of 586
with "Br" in them. (although I might be under reporting a bit because
I combined records that differed only in the TLID field)
Interestingly, the same ones also contain a fair number of both
abbreviated and expanded directional prefixes in the name field and no
directional prefix code. Maybe the Census Bureau has a rogue county on
their hands?

>> I suppose one could try to find abbreviations in the name field... but
>> that might get messy. At the end of the day, no algorithm can correct
>> for some of the quirks in the source data so we have to accept some of
>> the glitches.
> My point was that we don't want to introduce any errors into the data.
> Let's get the bot to do it
> right the first time. I'd think it would be better if we leave known
> problems for people familiar with the area to do manually.  Is it possible
> to
> add logic to the script to solve this?  Like if the way is located in x
> county, then Br = Branch else Bridge?

In theory it could look for a tiger:county tag. Given the numbers, it
might be just as well to punt and flag them for manual review instead
of loading the bot up with edge cases. Might be worth running a test
to see what it actually does in its current state.


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