
        This is a good idea.
I have a large file of data from the Acoma tribe, but my efforts to negotiate the import wiki have been fruitless. I can't made heads or tails of it. Further, I don't know if it's the kind of data we want (though they say it is public domain and gave permission in writing). It is road center lines for the whole reservation. I remember a remark somewhere in this forum that center lines are not the best data. At any rate, I'm not a good judge of whether or not it is what we want. In addition, I've already done work on the main roads, though often I'm lacking a name or number. And, I don't have tools to exmine a data file to see if it is congruent with what OSM can use. So, for many reasons, having a knowledgeable group take this on seems to me like a great idea.



At 06:42 AM 12/17/2012, you wrote:

I know what it's like to be excited about OSM, and I know what it's
like to be frustrated with OSM, struggling with low data quality, or
lack of data altogether.

And then you get access to a large dataset, and you know that having
it in OSM would improve things. It would improve the quality, and
maybe even get people mapping. At the same time, I think many of you
have seen the damage that bad imports can do.

The result is that folks like myself and others are frustrated by the
import process, and folks who have good, useful datasets are frstrated
by the import process.

So I'm proposing a new committee, run by the US Chapter, to help guide
imports and large edits.

This will give step by step guidance to those who want to import data,
and offer the larger community time to review and provide feedback.

When I helped create the US Chapter several years ago, this was one of
the main reasons I thought it should exist, but I think there's
finally the amount of data and interest to justify it.

What do folks think?

- Serge

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