Interesting. How does parcel data work? What does it cover and what's the
data interesting for OSM in it? Is this about sourcing address data?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Brian Cavagnolo <>wrote:

> Hey guys,
> In a previous thread on parcel data, some people expressed interest in
> participating in creating some sort of open repository for parcel
> data.  I was imagining a conference call or something to discuss next
> steps, but I think we can advance with email.  I'm imagining that it
> makes sense to separate the data gathering process from the data
> standardization/import process.
> Regarding the data gathering, the main objective is to gather recent
> raw data, licensing terms, and meta data from jurisdictions in
> whatever form they make it available, organize it in a dumb directory
> structure.  I was just going to set up an FTP (read-write)  and HTTP
> (read-only) server to get this going.  Are there any
> recommendations/opinions on a longer-term approach here?  Custom
> webapp?  Off-the-shelf webapp?  Somebody mentioned a git repository.
> Regarding standardization/import, I was planning on setting up an
> empty instance of the rails port as a test bed.  Then participating
> users could point JOSM and other tools at this alternative rails port
> to examine, edit, and import parcel data.  We could also provide
> planet-style dumps and mapnik tiles.  The idea is that we would have a
> safe place to screw up and learn.  Does this sound like a reasonable
> direction?
> Oh, and I found this fantastic paper that some parcel data people (Abt
> Associates, Fairview Industries, Smart Data Strategies) recently put
> together for HUD [1] that examines many of the issues that they faced
> building a parcel database.  Timely.
> Ciao,
> Brian
> [1]
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