On 5/16/2013 1:33 PM, amy.dani...@gvltec.edu wrote:
I wanted to introduce myself – I am Amy Daniels and I am a GIS
Instructor with Greenville Technical College in South Carolina.  I am
interested in keeping OpenStreetMap Data for our college campuses as
up-to-date and complete as possible. I have a lot to learn about
contributing and using OSM tools.

We are working on embedding the live maps for each campus into our
campus web site to enable visitors to locate our buildings and
facilities.  I am excited to join the community.

Welcome to OpenStreetMap! Your timing is good because if you can use the Chrome browser, the newly created iD editor choice on the edit menu will offer the best self guided tour.

Buildings, driveways, and parking are a great way to get started contributing. As you or others get into details, it may go all the way to emergency call boxes.

I'm actually in the Greenville area, so if you plan to integrate OpenStreetMap into any part of a classroom course, feel free to contact me off list and I'll see if I can put together an introduction that matches the course focus.



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