On 6/11/2013 2:58 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
OSM has pretty poor neighborhood coverage in the US. We have around 1100
place=neighbo[u]rhood. Geonames has ten times that at 11,000 (feature
class P.PPLX - not sure if all of those are neighborhoods) and Zillow
has 7,000.

The TIGER import brought in many subdivisions as Hamlets, so the some information is there but is not necessarily the best form.

I'm not clear myself on how to tag the classic US subdivision and apartment complex.

I try to change these to areas when possible so that Nominatim-style searches doesn't identify nearby POIs outside the boundary as belonging to the nearest neighborhood. Often, I can't determine the subdivision boundary from either Bing or a survey; I'd need to see an organization map which would be of questionable license.

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